Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Okay so I seem to have this gift/curse that give people the feeling I am a person to hear them out on either what's bothering them or just comfortable to tell me there entire life story and they do not know me!
This has been happening now to me for more years than I can count. Like today, I am sitting in the waiting room of the auto shop awaiting my vehicle inspection and there is this older man with his son, he starts talking to me about being impatient on waiting that it was worse than the Doctors office,LOL. Now it begins with how he went to the doctor and what all was said which I will not air this laundry for its not mine to air however continued with the cost of his insurance and all the stuff that really is not my business but I guess he felt the need to get it of his shoulders, so I sat quietly and patiently listening to this man and when his time was done and ready to go, He tells me thank you; I looked at this man with a odd look i guess to him thanking me. When he decided to tell me he just needed someone to listen. So I said no problem, your welcome.

Now sometimes I don't mind listening or telling others what I think or feel, but occassionally I wish someone would do that for me.

They say everyone has a calling in life IS THIS MINE?

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